Young Adult Center


Outreach – Center for Community Resources addresses young adult justice-involved issues in northeastern Pennsylvania by providing individuals ages 14-21 and their family with a support system. We provide job skills training, workforce development services, and other supportive services to justice-involved young adults.

Our trained case managers develop a customized plan with each young adult participant. Referrals and connections are provided to wraparound services from community human services partners that provide the support needed to assist in gaining the skills necessary to stay out of prison, and to obtain family stability and economic self-sufficiency.

We serve young adults in our region by providing a network of support, education, guidance, and a reason to believe they can improve their lives and forge a new path of success free of involvement with the justice system.



Family Reunification

Outreach staff members provide support for young adults ages 14-21 navigating the justice system by preparing them with academic, career, and technical training.


  • literacy
  • parenting
  • resources for life skills
  • employment training
  • anger management
  • early childhood education
  • youth mentoring
  • behavioral health supports
  • certification programs
  • GED instruction and exams
  • assistance with access to post-secondary education

For more information, contact Tom Cook: 570-558-7572


Outreach is a proud Pennsylvania Academic, Career, and Technical Training (PACTT) affiliate.

The PACCT Alliance is a unique public/private partnership consisting of community-based agencies, residential facilities, and probation programs. Trauma-informed case managers offer programs including living in balance, criminal and addictive thinking, mindfulness, workforce development skills, and guiding good choices.