After receiving a referral from a health care facility for a mom who had several children, an Outreach Family Development Specialist working with the Parents as Teachers program found the Mom was hesitant about enrolling in our home visiting services, as she wasn’t sure she could commit to visits.

When the parent educator gave her an option of partial services, she decided to give it a try.

The plan that was offered entailed conducting 3 to 4 visits in the families’ home to complete an Ages & Stages Developmental screening for one of the children, discussing parenting topics, and assessing if Mom could benefit from other resource connections.

By the third visit, the Mom enjoyed learning about Development Centered Parenting, Parent/Child activities and she appreciated the information the parent educator gave her about finding a new apartment. She made the decision to enroll in the Parents as Teachers program, saying, “I really liked these visits because it was time to spend just with the baby. I also liked that the home visitor genuinely seemed to care about my family, even though we’ve only spoken three times”.

You can support Parents as Teachers and other Home-Visiting programs by donating today

…for children and families,
…for job seekers, and
…for the community! 

Outreach – Center for Community Resources was awarded Candid Platinum Transparency. 

Outreach has been awarded a four-star rating from Charity Navigator. 

Parents as Teachers®, SafeCare Augmented® and Doula Services are supported by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) of Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services (DHS) and Pennsylvania’s Department of Education (PDE). For more information, visit and